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Check an enum case without a switch statement

Enumerations are great when you need to define a common type with multiple related values in a type-safe manner. Often you’ll process these using a switch statement, but how do you check for a specific case without using a switch statement?

Let’s look at a simple example.

enum SocialNetwork {
    case facebook
    case youTube
    case whatsApp
    case instagram

func post(to socialNetwork: SocialNetwork) {
    switch socialNetwork {
    case .facebook:
        print("handle Facebook")
    case .youTube:
        print("handle YouTube")
    case .whatsApp:
        print("handle WhatsApp")
    case .instagram:
        print("handle Instagram")

post(to: .facebook) // prints "handle Facebook"

To check for a specific case on the SocialNetwork type is straightforward using the == equality operator.

func checkIsFacebook(socialNetwork: SocialNetwork) -> Bool {
    return socialNetwork == .facebook

print(checkIsFacebook(socialNetwork: .facebook)) // prints true
print(checkIsFacebook(socialNetwork: .instagram)) // prints false
print(checkIsFacebook(socialNetwork: .youTube)) // prints false

Enums with associated values

Enumerations can have associated values, which are useful when you need to store data of some type along with the enum case. Taking the example from the Swift documentation, below is a Barcode enum that could be represented as UPC using a tuple of 4 integers, or as a QR code with a string.

enum Barcode {
    case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
    case qrCode(String)

let upc: Barcode = .upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)
let qrCode: Barcode = .qrCode("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

If we try to write a similar function to check if a given Barcode is a UPC case, a compiler error will be shown.

func checkIsUPC(barCode: Barcode) -> Bool {
    return barCode == Barcode.upc // 💥 Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Barcode' and '(Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Barcode'

We can work around this using the slightly awkward syntax below.

func checkIsUPC(barCode: Barcode) -> Bool {
    if case .upc = barCode {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

print(checkIsUPC(barCode: upc)) // prints true
print(checkIsUPC(barCode: qrCode)) // prints false

And that’s it!

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